Pitchers (2007)

My pieces are typically narrative, working mainly with figurative elements and symbolic objects. In this "pitcher" series, I wanted to get back to the essence of blowing glass which I had left behind many years earlier. The approach to sculpting glass is much different from blowing functional glass forms. I wanted to try joining the 2 styles to create a sculptural non-functional pitcher or vase form using the metaphor of a head as vessel with the human neck becoming the neck of the pitcher. The heads are upside down to add a bit more whimsy and interest.



Self Portraits/Portraits

Figure (2015-2018)

Figure (2011-2014)

Figure (2000-2010)

Pitchers (2007)

Collaboration with Randy Walker (2017)

    © 2012 - Ross Richmond Built on the Artist Web Toolkit by Pyramid Developments, LLC.